Saturday, February 13, 2021

A Summary of Catholic Doctrine

From The Meaning of Catholic:

Duties of your state in Life

Duties of the supernatural order: give glory to God by saving your soul; maintain your soul in a state of grace by frequenting the sacraments and fulfilling the six precepts of the Church and the Ten Commandments; overcome sin and grow in virtue; die in a state of grace.

Duties the married:
Mutual duties: mutual love of affection and service; life in common; rendering the marital debt when it is reasonably requested
Husband duties: head and protector of his family to guide his wife and children; duty to provide enough for wife to stay home and children to have proper care; to administer family property wisely.
Wife duties: show due obedience to her husband; to properly care for education of children and the home; holds the right to not be forced to work. She has a right to stay home since the children have a right to their mother full time. Grave cause may force also a mother to work if serious financial or other reasons make it truly necessary.
Children duties: show parents love, reverence, and obedience

Duties at the workplace:
Employer duties: treat employees with kindness; instruct and correct employees; provide for religious observance; pay a just wage to allow a man’s wife to care for the children at home.
Employee duties: due obedience and reverence; faithful service by never stealing employer’s time with personal matters.

(Read more.)

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