Sunday, April 20, 2014

Aurora Caelum Purpurat

The Easter Hymn for Lauds (lyrics HERE.) The video is from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. This ancient hymn is included in the current version of the Roman breviary.


Unknown said...

Is this sung by the carmelites? or did it use to be sing in regular convents? how was it done? do you have the partitures? thank you! God bless.

elena maria vidal said...

This song is still the official hymn for Easter Lauds as specified by the Roman breviary. It was chanted in all monastic communities and convents and still is by those who use the official Latin liturgy of the Roman Rite.

Unknown said...

but up until Pius the XII it was no longer sung. Or when was it sung? Thank you for your help.!

elena maria vidal said...

Maybe because Pius XII restored the ancient Easter Liturgy and the Easter Vigil. It was and still is sung by many communities who use Latin in their daily liturgy. (The video linked to is proof of that: it is at a Roman rite Easter liturgy in Jerusalem, I believe.) It is still part of the Roman Rite. It was and is sung at Lauds (morning prayer) but some may use it at Mass.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your answers.
I have seen why i was a bit confused. The Hymn is of the Easter time, and it is said every sunday and day of the "Feria" in the Latin rite, but not in the easter octave. Perhaps in some places, (f.e. the Holy Sepulcher) it is sung in the Easter Vigil. The Hymn from the video, however, does not have exactly the same lyrics that the one from the breviary. You might notice, the last line before the Doxology, (Deo Patri sit Gloria) is "Tuo defende populo" wich is not the same as in the roman breviary. Forgive me for so many details, i am very interested in this, because i want to find out if it is possible for us to sing it. If you ever come across the Partitures and the special lyrics, please let me know. By the way, my name is Francisco de María. I am just using another user. Thank you! God bless you.

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