Baptism of Christ by Grigory Gaagarin |
The Baptism of the Lord. From
Vultus Christi:
Very few Catholics grasp the reality of their divine sonship by
adoption. For too many, the great baptismal grace that is divine
adoption remains something notional. something vague and, as it were,
something obscure in the back of one’s mind. This is why, in every age,
God raises up saints, and doctors, and mystics to call us back to what
makes Christianity different from every other religion, philosophy,
ethical system, and mystical meandering on the planet: divine sonship by
adoption. We are, by grace, what Jesus is by nature. All the Fathers
taught this. The Doctors scrutinised it and marveled at the divine
condescension. Mother Mectilde seized upon this in the 17th century and
wrote about it in her letters. Saint Thérèse, Blessed Abbot Marmion,
Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity, and the Venerable Itala Mela, all of
these were raised up in modern times to say to souls: You are not mere
seekers after wisdom, you are not slaves in submission to a remote
divinity, you are not keepers of a moral order; you are sons in the Son.
This is so stupendous a mystery that many put it aside and prefer to
concentrate on things less unsettling.
We bring Thee offerings, O
Lord, for the appearing of Thy new born Son, humbly beseeching Thee
that, as He is the author of our gifts, so also He may mercifully
receive them. (Secret of the Mass) (Read more.)
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