Sunday, February 4, 2024

Sexagesima Sunday

Parable of the Sower

  Scott Richert discusses the significance. To quote:

Sexagesima Sunday is the second Sunday before the start of Lent, which makes it the eighth Sunday before Easter. Traditionally, it was the second of three Sundays (Septuagesima is the first and Quinquagesima is the third) of preparation for Lent.
Sexagesima literally means "sixtieth," though it only falls 56 days before Easter. It most likely takes its name from Quinquagesima Sunday, which is 49 days before Easter, or 50 if you count Easter itself.
When the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar was revised in 1969, the three pre-Lenten Sundays were removed; they are now denominated simply as Sundays in Ordinary Time. Septuagesima, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima are all still observed in the celebration of the traditional Latin Mass. (Read entire post.)

Scripture readings, from the old liturgy, HERE. 


Stephanie A. Mann said...

Isn't there also a period before Lent in the Eastern Rite Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches that is similar?

elena maria vidal said...

Yes, there is. They have the Sundays in which are the last time they can eat eggs and milk meats. They begin Lent on the Monday before Ash Wednesday.

Stephanie A. Mann said...

So, if the Roman Catholic Church in the Novus Ordo calendar marked these three Sundays before Lent, we would be more in harmony with the Eastern Rite Catholics! and the Eastern Orthodox.
In other words, we would be breathing better (two lungs)!

elena maria vidal said...

Exactly! And we would be more in harmony to the actual practice of the early Church, which is what Vatican II was supposed to be all about! How helpful it would be to still have a liturgical preparation for the rigors of Lent which was was Septuagesima-tide was supposed to be about.

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